Ignoring the CGM – Why?

Have you ever heard of #CGMArt?

Neither had I until a few weeks ago. It’s an interesting concept…. because you’re turning the negativity of the swinging BG levels into a piece of art which is a silver lining and a good aspect! But to have a true masterpiece you must first have had atrocious control for at least 12 hrs…… So surely this is not logical. Although this is something I actually believe I might have already achieved. 

Possibly more than once….

Rather efficiently too.

How do I achieve a mountain range of a graph, you ask?

Or, more specifically, you ask why I don’t answer my CGM alarms. But I don’t know how to answer your question, because there are simultaneously so many answers and yet none at all. 

Honestly, I think one of the biggest contributers to my lack of response to the CGM is the length of time I’ve had it. This coming December it will be my 10 year pump anniversary (on the 14th) and I started on my sensor the same day. I’ve grown accustomed to wearing it, inserting it and the alarms going off all the time. I’m SO used to it that I answer it automatically, not registering what it said or that I should do something. I just….. 


Cancel message. 

Then I carry on with my life. That can happen quite a few times in a row and it often results in mega high blood sugars or slightly high bloods for long periods of time. 

I have to say I do seem to take notice of the low alarms and my smartguard turning on much more than the high alerts….. I guess that’s to do with the more immediate effect of the hypo. There is a danger of me collapsing, having a seizure or worse, right there and then. But highs, they’re different. 

I feel invincible. Maybe it’s because I’m a teenager, but it doesn’t feel like anything would happen to me. It won’t be me that develops the complications. It won’t be me that could go into a coma because my blood sugars can’t come down from the high. It won’t be me, because I’ll be fine. 

So I think, subconsciously, I always think like this when it comes to the CGM. I think that I can put off dealing with the high even though they’re just as serious  as lows, in thier own way. 

Probably the other main reason for ignoring the alarms, is simply that they’re not interesting. I have a life with exams, friendships and activities that are all more interesting or more import than the alarm. So I just turn it off because I have better things to do with my time. My CGM alarm simply isn’t that important at that moment in time so I intend to deal with it ‘in a little while’ aaaaaand then I forget about it completely. 

I know that sounds idiotic, but I honestly have conversations with my mum that go something like this:

Mum – “Can I see your pump?”

Me – “Sure.” *hands it over and carries on texting*

Mum – “Uh, have you seen your graph? You’ve been high for the last 4 HOURS!”

Me – “Oh?” (Knowing exactly what’s coming.)

Mum – “Hmmmmm. You have alarmed high every 1/2 an hour for the last 4 HOURS! And where are the tests? The insulin? NOTHING!”

And my response is simply “I forgot.” And I’m not lying when I say that. I just don’t do it. 

Because ignoring it is just easier. 

Because life happens. 

Because I just forget. 

Are you guilty of creating #CGMArt?Or maybe you struggle to understand diabetic logic around CGM alarms? Share you thoughts, opinions or questions in the comments!



4 thoughts on “Ignoring the CGM – Why?

  1. Another great post. I can totally understand this….as frustrating as it can be for me as a Mum. I think lots of parents need to be reading your blog, to help us with kids that aren’t so keen to communicate with their parents over how they are feeling about Type 1.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I have to say after 6 months of nightly alarms I’m afraid I do ignore my daughter’s sometimes overnight. It makes me mad as hell with myself, but as you say sometimes life gets in the way. So frustrating. I can’t imagine how hard it is when you have it all day long

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have no idea why I do this, but I sure do. Yes it is not intelligence on my part, I know that. How do I know that? My wife tells me of course, over and over.

    I referred your blog to the TUDiabetes blog page for the week of May 23, 2016.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’m so glad that it’s not only teens that ignore them! It’s somewhat comforting to know that adults do the same:) I always want to just say “I’m not perfect – I’m human.” And thank you for commenting and sharing! It means the world to me that people can read my blog and relate to it.


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